Thursday, January 16, 2003

so i think i'm giving up on dating...yeah...i think rather than dating somewhat random guys I'm going to do the asking out...

screw being old fashion.


had to go to logan today to get my sister and her boyfriend, i literally begged my mother to let me stay in boston and just take the train home...that didnt work, so i told her that if she didnt let me stay when i got home i'd walk to the commie rail and wait...still a no go...she told me that i had to spend quality time with my sister..sure like an hour in the car is going to do a world of good...

i fell asleep in the car...

last time my family drove to florida we had to rent a van that was almost like an RV but not as big...we ended up watching beauty and the beast so many times...i remember because i had gotten it for christmas that year...when it first came out of video...before dvds were now i feel old...haha

i'm going to bed early...long car rides make me tired, and i realized after not being in the passenger side for a while, that i get somewhat car sick if i dont drive...hmmm...oh well...its barable. :)

Monday, January 13, 2003

so tomorrow's my date...

i've decided to wear the jeans i'm wearing tomorrow, to bed tonight so that they're comfortable...oddly enough, i've never really been comfortable wearing jeans, just khakis and cords...

yeah so i'm nervous, but Ian seems like a really decent guy...someone who more or less wont frown upon the idea of just staying in and watching a movie rather that being exciting, unless the idea comes up that we both agree on...we're going to a coffee shop, so that alone scores points with me...we have the same musical taste which is a huge plus...he's someone i could go to shows with.

jenna and i are making plans to move to Los Angeles in 3 years. jenna's been my best friend for so many years now, that rooming with her seems to be a great idea. its a move that i need. i've wanted to move out for a while, but i knew that i needed a roommate i could trust...